The Importance of Foreign Object Debris Prevention

 The Importance of Foreign Object Debris Prevention

When it comes to running an airport, safety at the first priority. There are lots of people who show up at the airport every day expecting that the airline is going to keep them safe. Therefore, it is important for airlines to invest in strong security measures, routine maintenance, and even foreign object debris prevention. By prioritizing foreign object debris prevention, all airlines can instill a sense of confidence in their passengers as well as their employees, keeping them safe from harm. This starts with understanding the major dangers that foreign object debris can present to airplanes that are taking off and landing.

Foreign Object Debris Can Lead to Tire Damage

One of the biggest issues that this type of debris can present has to do with tires and wheels. Many people do not realize just how quickly airplanes are moving when they take off and land. Therefore, even the slightest amount of debris on the runway can lead to serious damage. In some cases, this damage can involve tires and wheels. Small debris on the runway, such as broken pieces of pavement as well as airplane parts, can puncture the tires of the airplane. This could lead to a flat tire, making it dangerous for airplanes to taxi, let alone take off and land. As a result, it is important for all airlines to make sure that this debris is removed from the runway.

Foreign Object Debris Can Lead to Hull Damage

Even though this might sound scary, there are some situations where foreign object debris can even lead to hull damage. The reality is that the hull of an airplane is not that thick. Most airlines do not assume that the hull is going to be threatened in any significant way. On the other hand, when airplanes are moving at high speed, they can actually kick up pieces of debris from the runway. This might include those airplane parts, loose change, and other types of debris. This could puncture the hull of the airplane, leading to serious problems. Therefore, it is critical to make sure that all of this debris of cleaned up in between flights.

Make Sure that All Runways Are Kept Safe from Foreign Object Debris

These are just a few of the many reasons why it is important for all airlines and airports to prioritize foreign object debris prevention. By taking the time to make sure that this debris is removed from the runway, they can make sure that outgoing and incoming flights are kept safe from harm. In order to handle this type of debris in an efficient manner, it is important to rely on a high-quality airway sweeper.