High asset divorce attorney – things to know

 High asset divorce attorney – things to know

Every divorce is unique, but the issues involved are quite similar. It is a stressful event that causes discomfort in the lives of the couple and the entire family. In the case of a high asset divorce, it is even more complex and confusing. A high asset divorce or a high net worth divorce involves high-value and complex assets such as stock options, trust funds, real estate partnerships, deferred compensation, business interests, tax benefits, company ownership, etc. Such a divorce often involves affluent families and high net worth individuals with assets like luxury properties, multiple homes, and multiple types of financial and business assets. 

Things to know about Ohio high asset divorce attorney:-

Strong reputation: In high-asset divorce cases clients look for someone who has a great reputation for settling the cases through negotiation, mediation, or collaborative divorce. The settlement will cost you less compared to if there is litigation involved. If a divorce is litigated, a huge amount of fees and costs will be incurred. Therefore, look for an attorney with a strong reputation for settling cases.

Helps uncover all assets: The high asset divorce attorney helps segregate your assets as – separate property, marital property, or community property. If the asset was bought after marriage for private joint use, then it will be marital property. If the asset was acquired by one spouse before marriage, then the asset will be separate property and will remain his/hers. If the asset earns income or gains, then it will be considered community property.

Keep it private: In case of high asset divorce cases, affluent and important families are involved. Their privacy is of utmost importance. Hire a divorce attorney who is good at keeping all the information private. Such families would not want such information to be publicly available through a divorce proceeding. The attorney will push for a sealed divorce to protect the privacy of you and your family. 

Creative in settlement options: The high-asset divorce attorney should take the help of a knowledgeable financial professional and develop creative settlement options for both parties and address both sets of interest. The combined skills of both professionals will help in a favorable outcome. 

High asset divorce cases involving high net-worth individuals are very complicated as there are multiple assets to be divided, and the highly specialized expertise of the attorney is required to reach a fair settlement. Such complicated cases require extensive planning and preparation. A high-asset divorce attorney will do everything to safeguard your best interest.

Jessica C. Dills