When to Accept Workers’ Compensation Settlement Offers in Yuma

 When to Accept Workers’ Compensation Settlement Offers in Yuma

The amount of money you may receive from a workers’ comp settlement depends on some factors. When you file a claim, the insurance provider of your employer may make a settlement offer based on what they believe is reasonable to cover your financial losses and medical bills. Because you need money during this difficult time, you may just take this offer without carefully assessing your needs. However, doing so may only add to the stress you are dealing with as you concentrate on your recovery. A workers compensation lawyer in yuma can help you determine the amount of compensation you qualify for and negotiate a reasonable settlement. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits you can expect to get from your workers’ compensation case:

Medical Benefits

How much medical benefits you can get depends on the extent and nature of the work-related injuries you suffered. Before you accept a settlement offer, you must consider your out-of-pocket expenses, how much medical expenses you still have to pay, any ongoing medical expenses, travel expenses, as well as how the settlement impacts other benefits like unemployment, Medicare, and Social Security.

To make sure you get the best settlement amount, do not accept a settlement until you have reached maximum medical improvement as your doctor determines. This means that you must wait until you have fully discovered or that no further improvement is expected from your condition. This way, you know the future treatments you will need and negotiate a settlement amount that reflects all these needs.

Disability Benefits

You may be eligible for more compensation if your workplace injuries have resulted in a temporary or permanent disability. To determine a fair disability settlement, you must consider the appropriateness of payments for missed work while you recover from your condition, your ability to return to work and to work again, the kinds of work you can perform, your eligibility for Secondary Injury Fund benefits, as well as the impact of a settlement on other benefits you may be receiving. 

Keep in mind that accepting a settlement means the end of your case and reversing it is impossible. Thus, you should make the right decision. An experienced lawyer will ensure you receive the right amount of compensation you deserve and that you have a full understanding of your settlement’s terms before you agree to it. Before you make your final decision, make sure to consult with a lawyer first. 

Jessica C. Dills