Various Advantages of Bunaken Tourism

 Various Advantages of Bunaken Tourism


There are marine tourism spots with a beauty that is not inferior to these places, and the tourist location is Bunaken Marine Park tourism. There are so many advantages of Bunaken tourism that make it one of the main prima donnas in marine tourism. Bunaken itself is an island located in the Bay of Manado. So it can be said that Bunaken is part of a very famous tourist spot in North Sulawesi. Lots of people come and visit this location. Those who come, of course, really want to experience the beauty of Bunaken beach firsthand. This is because Bunaken is a diving experience that we must feel.

Every year it can be said that Bunaken itself is never empty of visitors. The tourists always come and visit to enjoy the beauty of Bunaken Island itself. So do not be surprised if Bunaken is one of the tourist attractions often foreign tourists visit. Even said, the number of foreign tourists is slightly higher than the number of local tourists who visit and enjoy the beauty of Bunaken tourism itself. Bunaken itself can attract a lot of attention because it has many advantages that make it special. Some of the benefits that Bunaken has are below.

  1. One of the International Marine Tourism

Since it was first discovered and proclaimed as a marine tourism destination, Bunaken has continued to develop and continuously improve itself. It is increasingly attracting tourists to be a bland witness to the beauty of the underwater scenery owned by Bunaken itself. Those who visit Bunaken Island themselves are not limited to those who come from within the country. Even a lot of foreign tourists come and visit Bunaken. Those who visit are usually those who really like and really enjoy activities related to marine tourism. In addition, they are certainly also very interested in the culture of the Bunaken area itself.

The attraction of Bunaken cannot be ignored by those who enjoy marine tourism. So it is not surprising that now Bunaken has turned into one of the international standard marine tourism. This can also be said to have positive benefits for the development of tourism in the Bunaken area. However, it also places a considerable burden of responsibility on the Bunaken community itself.

  1. Many Choices of Dive Points

If we visit a place with the beauty of marine tourism is very interesting, it will be very unfortunate if we do not enjoy it. Bunaken itself is one of the best scuba diving spots in Indonesia, besides being the best in Indonesia, Bunaken is also one of the best scuba diving spots in the world. That’s what makes Bunaken a game for divers.

Moreover, the underwater wealth found in Bunaken is one of the best. Bunaken itself does have a very diverse underwater beauty and wealth and this diversity itself is one of the inevitable selling points. Spot diving in Bunaken itself has a total of approximately 20 dive points. Each point has its own uniqueness and beauty.

  1. Affordable Ticket Prices

Although Bunaken seems to be an expensive tourist spot, this assumption is incurred incorrect itsin elf as a tourist place that can be classified as quite cheap and affordable by all people. To enjoy the beauty of the Bunaken marine park, we will be charged 50 thousand. The ticket prices offered are very cheap. If we say honestly whether the ticket costs we spend with the underwater beauty we find, then the answer is very comparable and very appropriate.

Those are some of the advantages that Bunaken Island has. However, it still has several other benefits such as

  • Complete facilities
  • Friendly locals
  • Complete infrastructure
  • Many other types of tours in Bunaken
  • Smooth and good access.

Before you plan a trip to Bunaken, be sure to read more about Bunaken and Indonesia by visiting Wonderful Indonesia.

Gregory M. Stonge