Stormwater Management and Reuse: Solutions That Make a Difference

 Stormwater Management and Reuse: Solutions That Make a Difference

Over the years, climate change has become a topic of hot discussion. Increased droughts, more severe storms, high flash floods, etc., are rising. The state of Colorado is no stranger to these phenomena (especially the latter), necessitating the services of a reliable construction stormwater compliance contractor Denver CO.

Only last year, the headlines of the Denver Post flashed the alarming news that Colorado had hit ground-breaking flash flood warnings. Since every year looks more ambiguous than its precursor, learning and applying efficient stormwater management practices is vital.

Not every strategy will work, and this guide will tell you exactly what will!

Ways to Manage Stormwater the Right Way

The right way to stormwater management is the sustainable way. Your management practices should focus on improving water quality and reducing runoff. So, how can you make both happen?

Green Roofs

As the name suggests, these are covered with vegetation to facilitate evapotranspiration and rainfall infiltration. Even in apartments, such a system easily works. Water from the 4th, 8th, or even the 16th-floor rooftops can be collected in cisterns and used for green roof irrigation. This reduces pollution and energy costs.

Bio-Retention Areas

Also known as rain gardens, bio-retention areas are landscaped depressions on the ground that allow rainwater runoff to a nearby pond. The same is then filtered through the soil. Rain gardens can be easily created using wildflowers and grasses, with rain chains that direct the water to a designated area.

Permeable Pavements

Another way to fortify against Denver floods is to construct permeable pavements. Unlike the impermeable ones (built of asphalt and concrete), porous pavements allow stormwater to infiltrate the soil. Such pavements can be constructed using porous asphalt and concrete with interlocking pavement blocks.

Gutter and Curb Elimination

The problem with gutters and curbs is that they allow stormwater runoff to a drain without making room for infiltration. To prevent this, you can eliminate curbs/gutters or have curb cuts installed. Even swales can replace curbs by encouraging runoff into porous areas.

Tips to Make Stormwater Safe for Reuse

Stormwater management does have social issues involved. The most concerning is exposure to water-borne pathogens. Reused water may also harm plants or impact soil quality. Thankfully, there are some ways to ensure that your stored stormwater is safe to reuse.

  • Run a regular check for clogs or damage to irrigation nozzles and pipes.
  • Grass clippings and decomposing matter emit odors, so keep the area clean.
  • Check for algae growth as this could lead to blockages in the irrigation equipment.
  • Have rain barrels and cisterns installed for reuse.
  • Don’t just stop there. Have a management system in place that improves water quality through tech devices.
  • Ensure the water management system is clean and in good operating condition.
  • An NS filter sewage is also a good way to improve water quality.
  • Avail the services of a good construction stormwater compliance contractor Denver CO for a system that works best for you.

Parting Note

In any case, you need not feel overwhelmed. There are a lot of things to take care of, and you might feel that your stormwater management system needs a tune-up.

If so, schedule an appointment with a trusted construction stormwater compliance contractor Denver CO for inspection and maintenance. They will easily diagnose system problems and recommend best practices to ensure it ‘holds water.’

Clare Louise