How Does Environmental Volunteering Help the Planet?

 How Does Environmental Volunteering Help the Planet?

Environmental volunteering is a way of giving back to nature. Different people get involved with environmental volunteering for different reasons. For some, it is the desire to positively impact the planet. For others, it is a way to gain work experience to help them land a job. For yet others, the excitement of doing something meaningful in their lives draws them towards this cause.

Whatever your reason for looking for environmental volunteer opportunities, your actions will ultimately benefit the earth. Here’s how environmental volunteering can contribute to the well-being of the planet.

Enhanced Greenery

Trees do a lot more than just enhance the beauty of the earth. They are among the best gifts nature has to offer to humankind. Trees produce oxygen, reduce air pollution, attract rainfall, prevent soil erosion, provide habitat for wildlife and serve as means of food and medicine, to name just a few benefits.

When you volunteer to plant trees, you help enhance the green cover of the earth. This means you contribute towards creating a healthier environment on the planet. When it comes to environmental volunteering, every small step matters. So, if you plant even a single tree, you take a step towards making a small difference on this planet.

Protection for Animals

The earth is replete with about 8.7 million species of animals and plants. The rampant destruction of nature by human beings is leading to the loss of habitat for wildlife. Are you aware that wildlife populations have reduced by more than two-thirds in less than five decades? Sadly, there seems to be no sign of this decline slowing down, let alone coming to a standstill.

By opting for environmental volunteering, you can bring a change to this sorry state of affairs. Preventing deforestation is an effective way of protecting animals and their habitats.

Clean Waterbodies

Trash is a common sight seen in numerous big and small water bodies worldwide. The accumulation of trash is not only a sore sight for the eyes, it is also harmful to the marine population. Plastic is a common waste found in water bodies. As per studies, there are more than 15–51 trillion plastic pieces present in the oceans of the world at present. Marine wildlife, such as fish, seabirds, turtles, whales, etc., often mistake such plastic pieces for food or prey and ingest them. As their stomachs get filled with plastic, they suffer from internal injuries, infections, lacerations and ultimately die.

Being an environmental volunteer, you can work towards the cause of reducing trash from the waterbodies in your surrounding areas. Remember that each clean water body is home to a flourishing marine ecosystem.


Saving the environment is everyone’s duty. But most people aren’t aware of how their actions impact the earth. For instance, many people have no idea how the use of unrecyclable products is burdening the planet.

As an environmental volunteer, you can also work towards creating awareness among people. You can educate them about the various issues impacting the earth. You can inspire others to join the endeavour and become environmental volunteers like you. Such efforts will definitely benefit the earth in one way or the other.

To Wrap up

Our planet is being ravaged by the destructive results of man’s greed, and it is up to us to ensure a bright future for our future generations. There are several ways of becoming an environmental volunteer. You can become one even if you don’t have the time to actively participate in the day-to-day affairs of volunteering organisations. As they say, where there’s a will, there’s a way!